Idiot Boy and Paris.
My sincere apologies for delays my dear and doting friends. Much has happened in the past two weeks. Many countries traversed and one Idiot Boy met up with in Paris.

Idiot Boy's security system led to a never ending search for respite, and the improvement of forms of respite. Evian spray was our first encounter with true respite: Ming. Our East Asian World Vision sponsor child. Not a son, but he has a close and disposable place in our hearts.

Ming was soon replaced by Mong, father of Ming, stradling the long lines of obese Americans waiting for the lift up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Mong brought much joy to Idiot Boy. Much respite. Young children and women were pushed aside in the worship of Mong.
And yet, more respite was sought by the Idiot Boy.
We visited the Louvre. For the air conditioning. Idiot Boy, wearing a beret cap, took it upon himself to police Article 33: the no photography rule on level 2. A bolshy middle aged American Dan Brown dared to question the authority of Idiot Boy and asked whether he worked in the Louvre. While passionate about the security of great art, Idiot Boy is not a Louvre employee. Being thus caught out, Idiot Boy could only continue to shake his finger at him and said 'No No No' in his best French accent. He was subsequently challenged to follow said American while he continued to take photos, regardless of Article 33.
The enforcement of the Article 33 took it out of Idiot Boy. But he felt contented with his small, yet important, role in protecting the treasures of the Louvre. Thus, he could rest in respite. On level one.

And wherever respite called. Idiot Boy controls not the call of respite. He merely answers it with determined relief.
Life is hard for Idiot Boy.
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