Monique and Jo got ugly.
This is really after the event. No longer in Spain at all. But it's important for you all to know, Monique and Jo got ugly.
Not such much ugly persay, but rather hideously infectious. A result of our hippy hostel which told us that bed bugs were "just nature". Nature which has made Monique and Jo disfigured to the point of leprosy. People stare. Sometimes in sympathy but usually in horror. They really look like they should be in some kind of orange plastic tent with air pumped in through some kind of large tubular filter.

Jo has 63 bites on her right knee. Over 130 on her left arm if she counts up to her bra strap. Monique's turned in to welts. And I got one. I suspect this is due to the overwhelming power of my mind over my nervous system. The girls didn't so much appreciate me suggesting this. They also didn't really appreciating me imposing half hour moratoriums on them talking about how much they itched and how much the current temperature was aggravating or alleviating their discomfort. They didn't take kindly to my requests for calamine lotion for my bite. But they did somewhat embrace my offer to walk at a disassociating distance from them.
So everyone's a winner really.
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